The Real Ryan Walters

Ryan Walters is a failed and scandal-ridden state superintendent who has created a toxic culture of anti-LGBTQ+ bullying and harassment in Oklahoma’s public schools that is putting all Oklahoma students at risk.

Oklahoma State Superintendent Ryan Walters must be held accountable for his failed leadership and dangerous rhetoric and policies that have left Oklahoma’s 2SLGBTQI (two spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex+) students reporting feeling unsafe in the state’s schools.

But his failures don’t stop there. Under his watch, Oklahoma schools are in a race to the bottom of the national education standings, all while there continues to be a mass exodus of staff from the Oklahoma State Department of Education and he faces scandal after scandal.

49th Oklahoma K-12 education rank under Walters
55% of Oklahoma voters disapprove of the job Ryan Walters is doing
72% of Oklahoma School Districts Did Not Receive Their Claims For Federal Funds On Time
80+ Number of resignations since Walters took office

From Superintendent to Super-Problematic:
Ryan Walters’ Terrible Tweets and Worst Receipts

Ryan Walters' Inner Circle

You can tell a lot about someone by the company they keep. Ryan Walters has catered to an array of the country’s most dangerous anti-LGTBQ+ politicians, big-pocketed MAGA bosses, white Christian nationalists hate groups, and hateful social media personalities to position himself as a national figure in the right-wing media. Together, they’re bringing their shared–and dangerous–agenda to Oklahoma’s school system.

Oklahoma State Superintendent Ryan Walters is a dangerous, corrupt and bigoted politician with a horrific anti-equality record.